Friday, April 1, 2011

The perfect is the enemy of the good

It seems to me that one of the most basic rules of blogging, if one hopes to build an audience, is that one should blog regularly. Regularly, that is, at intervals of less than five weeks. So I failed already; we'll see if I can do better. I could whine about how I've been so busy, etc. etc., and that wouldn't be incorrect. But a more fundamental reason why I haven't posted in the past weeks is that I can't put together what I want to say in a way that satisfies me.

Amorphous, mutant forms float around in my head based on things I see and read about in academia and in IT. I can't be coherent, can't bring my analysis to bear on them in a satisfactory way. I have finally concluded: screw that: this is a blog. Expect disjointed, incoherent natterings. Perhaps the exercise of writing itself will help me develop the cohesion I want to have before "publishing."

You have been warned.

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