Friday, February 18, 2011

Welcome; Colophon

Welcome to my humble blog. I am an anonymous cog in the information services apparatus of a university.  I plan to blog on subjects of interest to me from the worlds of academia and of information technology. 

In the interest of keeping a low profile, I plan to remain pseudonymous. In this, as in other respects, I have been inspired by Dean Dad, whose posts have been consistently thought-provoking over the years. (I hope we will not begrudge me the shameful co-option of his blog title; I'm horribly un-creative about such things.)

I also owe a tip of the hat to Scott Adams, who inspired my pseudonym. "Steal from the best," as somebody said. Regrettably, I have misnamed myself "Denier" rather than "Preventer." Although I could change it, well, that would be a denial of my own mistake, and why not let it stand? At any rate, as I hope will be clear, my taking of the character's name does not imply that I have modeled myself after the character. Or, perhaps I'm just in, well, denial.

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